It was Fri. night in Guanajuato, an old silver mining town tucked away in a mountain valley full of students. People were in the street drinking, chatting, laughing, blaring their music from stereos, and I wanted to be out there with them. But hark, once again the youth hostel was void of travellers. Sat. night rolled around and I anxiously awaited the arrival of anyone, anyone that would want to go out and enjoy the weekend, but noone again. I mustered my courage and decided to go out into the night alone and see what might come about.
Guanajuato is famous for it's callejoneadas where professional musicians dressed in old Spanish leotards gather a group in the plaza, pour drinks, and take the group around the windy cobblestone streets singing and dancing. I followed the group and started chatting with people, and before you know it I had a whole new group of friends! I met two Mexican-American cousins/artists from Aguas Calientes who love rock music, and we went to a "rock" bar after. They invited me to their home and want to take me out, so I might be backtracking north in a week or so. What a great night, it sure says something about putting yourself out there!
Feb.19, Paracho
Feb. 20, Angahuan
Being the volcano freak that I am, I've been looking forward to visiting Angahuan for awhile now. It's the nearest town to the Paricutín volcano which emerged out of a field in 1943 and destroyed a couple of towns. The only remaining structure today is the top of a church and it's steeple that withstood the 2-story-high lava flow. I splurged and hired a guide Jesus who took me on horseback (Chicutín, in case you want to know my horsey's name) to the site. For lack of words, I will tell you that it was awesome. Unfortunately no volcanic steam since it hasn't rained in a while.
Me and Chicutín
Church remains in lava
Spanish leotards?! How sexy. I'm not so sure I would follow a man in a leotard around town while he poured me drinks. Especially a Spanish leotard! Sounds kinda creepy!
sister Sam
So, you went to Mexico and found "Jesus"...on horseback yet! Didn't know he rode!!
I'm sure there's lots of things you would like to buy but there's nowhere to put it. Not me, part of travel is buying cool things.
If you find something you want (like spanish leotards) and don't want to carry it around, you can always pay extra for shipping and have it sent to your Seattle Warehouse.
*Sister Sam*
Yep, I was desperate to get out and enjoy the weekend, to the point of following men in leotards, hee hee.
How have the apps been going? Let me know if I should plan on polar bears!
Ha ha, yes, I will trust myself in none other than the leadership of Jesus. (do I sound reborn cristian??) It's so hard to resist shopping, there're SOO many fun things to buy!
Thanks for your warehouse offer! I've been tempted, believe me! Almost sent a violin there!
Hi Linda; Did You listen about El Tuno in Guanajuato? I saw on internet about him. Nice photo!!! I think the people there are very happy with Las Callejoneadas,Las Estudiantinas, El Tuno...I want a Callejoneada here!!! hahaha, it must be funny a Callejoneada in Japan with Piñatas and El Tuno; not more Matsuri!!! hehehe. I have a friend "Tuno", Him had a Spanish dress for sing (bombachas) and play guitarron. And after the presentation in public, always but always all the group "tunero" began to drink!!! they were very drunk. I think that is cheap; only 35$ for a violin??? Hand made is very good!!!
Hi! I dont know what El Tuno is...I tried looking in the internet but cant find him. You can explain to me later, he he, as I´ll see you SOON!
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