Where do I start?? To get to the beautiful colonial town of Granada, Nicaragua, I had to fight returning Easter holidayers for seats on rickety old school buses through hideous San Pedro Sula, frightening machinegun-happy Tegucigalpa (the capitol of Honduras) and hot and filthy Managua, Nicaragua. Luckily I made some friends doing the same journey and have been able to laugh my way through it all.

We bummed around the Granada hostel for a few days (it was SOO comfortable, with hammocks, pool table, books, games, restaurant serving delicious food...) and then took the ferry to Ometepe island. The island was formed by two active volcanoes which emerged from the lake, and Volcan Concepcion was still smoking when I arrived. We did an 8 hour grueling climb up the non-smoking volcano and I'm still limping around now from that.
The hostel we picked on the island was an organic commune kind of place, and it was much more primitive than I'd imagined. Outhouses, outdoor showers with only the modest protection of banana trees, various insects and animals visiting the dorms at night...but it was really fun and only cost $2.50 a night. I think the most I spent on any single day in Nicaragua was about $20, and that was only after numerous rum and Cokes (jealous, Mom?).
I put up some new pictures. I rearranged the picture links from most recent to older so the newest will always be on top. Check out Guatemala, Belize and Honduras, and Nicaragua! Sorry, lots of sunset shots, humor me here...talk to you all soon!
Nice to have you back! I'm really looking forward to those pictures, it sound like it's been an interesting couple of weeks.
Thanks for putting up the first comment, cuz! It's been crazy allright, and fun! I put some pics up, check em out when you get the time!
Hey ya! Happy genki?
Mmmmmm, You have been in the places where I want to visit for my next holiday. Just came home on Friday and back to work this week! The density of life is so different from travelling. I am on rehab to the real life at the moment. I even feel this is my temporary life and where you are is my real life!! I will have virtual tour of my 'real' life through your blog.
Hey Shannen!!
Nice pics & I'm really enjoying reading up on all your adventures. I especially like your volcano pics and the Nicaraguan "dorm" pics. The dorm itself looks like my backyard fort when I was kid. Had a good laugh about that. I also thought,... "could I ever get Sana into a "suite" like that? And the answer (her answer) that immediately sprung to mind was "yada!" "Cho yada" in fact. haha I like the concept of the booze cruise. Tell us more about that.
ciao amikino
Hey heey! You're back home now! You poor thing... But even just living in another country is like travel, don't you think? Don't forget that and you'll always be happy! Good luck with your rehab, ha ha! I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog, cho ureshii yo!
Great to hear from you! Maybe you could lure budget travellers to your backyard fort, er, I mean "eco-lodge", and make a little money, he he. I can just picture Sana's "cho yada!". If she knew it cost $2.50 a night would she still say yada?
The Booze Cruise cost $10 with all you can drink rum, coke, and beer on a boat that did a few loops in the harbor at sunset. Then we docked, got a meal (which after all that free booze we really needed) and had music and dancing on the dock. It was a fun, fun night! And surprisingly noone fell off the boat!
Book me a spot on the booze crise....
You'll have to meet me in Honduras for the next one!
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