This last week in Peru has been pretty interesting. I would have liked to spend a little more time but need to flee by this weekend when the nation goes on 4th of July-like holidays. Here are the highlights:
I went to a hot spring bath nearby and made some friends, two Peruvians and a Swiss girl. We went for cake and met up again my second day for more cake, that was fun! One of the Peruvian women used to date a Japanese man so she had me call Japan and ask about him in Japanese to his mom. Turns out he is now married and the mom said please don't call anymore. This was not fun to translate.
Trujillo is supposed to be a charming colonial city, but I thought it was loud and noisy and as stressful as Lima. I visited because the city is surrounded by 2,000 year old ancient ruins, two of which I remember reading about in National Geographic.
The El Brujo site was just unearthed recently, and only opened to the public last year. Peru has a serious problem with people digging around looking for buried treasure, the interesting thing being that they actually find it! They sell it to the highest illegal bidder, and the country loses important keys in its history. There are so many ancient sites that the government cannot possibly fund enough security and archeological projects to keep up with the grave robbers. When they find out the grave robbers have found something important, they kick them off the site by force hoping to save what is left. Any dirt mound could be an ancient pyramid, there is so much buried treasure in this area it's overwhelming.
The word grave-robber sounds like such an evil, horrible person, but I was talking to a nice older man on the bus who told me that everyone used to go out digging on holidays, it was a normal thing to do.
Chiclayo became famous for a recent archeological find, the Señor de Sipán. This was a massive tomb of rulers and warriors of the Moche people who were around the first few centuries A.D. They were accompanied by human (women, children, guardians) and animal sacrifices (llamas, dogs), and tons, TONS of gold, silver and bronze. I took a local bus to the site and got to see a real grave in the process of being unearthed. The security guard let me peek in, you could see some bones and lots of tarnished green copper. Unfortunately they wouldn't let me take pictures. The site where they are just beginning to find all this stuff looks like three normal dirt hills. These used to be pyramids---it bogs the mind to think of all the history that is still buried underneath all that earth!
Who'd-of-known that this dirt mound (L) is actually the biggest building in this temple (R)
You seem to have solved the picture posting dilema...good. The last two that the top of the building or the whole thing? Keep the snow over there okay? As always, thanks for the update!
*Hi Madre!*
Yippee, a commenter on this blog entry! Was afraid it was too boring for commens, ha ha. I can still put pictures onto the blog but I need to redo the links to all the slideshows.
The mound in the last two pictures is looking from the front. It's the bigger pyramid with the ramp that you see in the second picture.
It's getting warmed as I near the equator. No snow here, YIPPEE! I can almost wear shorts again!
Hi ya!
I thought it was a great post though I'm embarrassed to admit my favorite part was you calling up the Japanese mother. I could only do you even start that conversation?
Oh, and I hope the cake was good. ;-)
By the way, I found out that the 'detained' friend was not detained at all...just stayed longer to have fun in Spain. He said that you should go to Kartahana (sp??) (cart-ta-hane-na) instead of Bogata because it's a city that used to be a big fortress...or something. He said Bogata is safe enough if you speak Spanish and don't go dark alleys drunk late at night. But I think that's a world wide suggestion really.
He he, cool, my entry has been stuck on 1 comment.
It was easy to talk to the mom, you know how polite the Japanese are, but my new friend was a little upset about the married part. Even after 2 years of not hearing from him. Love is cruel, huh?
Glad to hear your friend isn't in trouble, but is just enjoying himself! Cartagena is on the Carribean, it looks like a beautiful city. I've met some women who travelled Colombia on their own recently and they say they felt actully safer there than in other countries.
Hey Shannen,
You better post again soon lest we all start worrying you got trapped in that earthquake.
Concerned Cousin, Moe.
Thanks cousin Moe!
I've been meaning to update. I was in the middle of internetlessland for awhile. Will update soon!
No earthquakes felt here! *whew*
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