Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The life of a coffee bean (Sam's supposedly secret birthday present)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Alive and wired in Colombia
I did find the coolest Colombian snack---
But I suppose you might want to know something about Colombia. First important traveller's fact, the coffee here is to die for! (no pun intended, parents) I haven't seen a single jar of Nescafe since crossing the border, and hence am the happiest girl around (and haven't been this awake for ages---weeeeeeEEEeEE!!) Coffee vendors walk their hoods with big metal barrels strapped to their backs to be able to supply glossy-eyed addicts on the streets with their fix as swiftly and economically as possible. I will have to get a picture of one of them, it's great.
Anyway, the first city I visited was the border town of Ipiales. Very ugly city, but very nice, courteous people. 5 miles out of town is the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Las Lajas, a religious and architectural treasure:
8 hours later I was in Popayan, a colonial town all painted in white. Here I visited the History of Natural Sciences, a hilarious display of taxidermified creatures in intriguing poses. Here they actually had to turn the lights on for me since I was the only visitor. I especially liked the fish, did you know they could preserve them like that? Pretty weird.
Downtown Popayan
An 11 hour bus-ride later took me to Bogota. Have you noticed a reoccurring theme of long buses? It's a big country...and I now really hate buses. More than before. Especially because I have to take only day buses for "safety" and am fully awake to truly feel the hours, no, minutes slowly tick by. But at least they don't drive like the suicidal maniacs of Ecuador and Peru.
It rained, then hailed and flooded all of downtown Bogota today, but I managed to make it to the Museo de Oro, Gold Museum.
Looks like a scene from StargateI wonder if they have people posing behind lights? That's how people in Colombia used to dress before the Spanish robbed them of their treasure. I'm sure they must have worn something under the gold, I hope.
Not the most exciting entry, but I'm trying to complete it before dark. Will update again in a few weeks!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Bartolome island at sunsetTaking in more volcanoes at Isabela island
Leaving the Galapagos, boo hoo