Very handsome land iguana, Santa Fe island
Marine iguana soaking up the sun, EspaƱola island, Suarez Point

Marina iguanas, EspaƱola island, Gardner Beach
Sea lions are a constant presense, this pic is from Santa Fe island

Young sea lions playing (or fighting?)

Lava lizard resting on sea lion, Bartolome island
Red footed Boobie, Genovesa island

Red footed boobie chick
Blue footed boobies doing famous mating dance

Blue footed boobie feet

Nasca boobie with chick

Majestic frigate bird males showing off their creepy red sacks

Frigate bird chick, awwwww

Galapagos penguins going for a dip
Giant land tortoises at the Charles Darwin research and breeding center
The Guantanamera cruise ship (L), My cruise group (R) 

Bartolome island at sunsetTaking in more volcanoes at Isabela island
Leaving the Galapagos, boo hoo
Wow! I like iguanas more than the average person, but that many big ones together is creepy! Watch out - they bite really hard if you piss them off...
sister Sam
Hi Lindura, I can see...Godzilla come back!!! hahaha, I like the birds with "medias con deditos" hahaha. I like it.
*Hey Sis!*
They were cute, like flocks of mini Godzillas. The worse they'll do to you is sneeze salt water at you, animals are so tame in the Galapagos. (Though I did hear of a sea lion biting a chunk out of a woman's leg, but she was apparently really bothering them) If I ever go to Galapagos again I will bring some little running people and miniature houses and pose them with the iguanas, he he.
*Hola Raviolito*
Medias con deditos? Ji ji
You mean the boobies? They're cute, huh?
You shouldn't use dirty words on your blog. "boobies" "chics". If I used that kind of potty mouth at work someone would file a complaint.....BOD
Hopefully I wont get too many unwarranted hits...luckily they didn't use worse names for the birds of Galapagos...
Hello Shannen,
Why can't you retire to the middle of Kansas where you get a job working as a waitress at Denny's? My envy green is overwhelming. ;-)
Love the penguins and baby sealions. Kevin would flip for the birds (no pun intended!). The last picture flipped me out, but in that bad way. *shiver* Hate. Heights. *end shiver*
*Hi Moe!*
Gimme a break, I grew up in North Dakota...(wave of self pity)
That's right---airplanes! I should have warned you before that one!
oops i said "how was patagonia" hahaha I meant "galapagos" of course. it's only "pa" and "go".. how did I get that??
amazing photos.. Yes I would love to see 500 more of these.
*Hi Nonsama!*
I was thinking of going to Patagonia, too, don't worry, you're not entirely (ha ha) crazy. Would love to show you all the pics someday! When are you coming to the States to visit, wink!
Hey Shannen - the Galapagos look like they are all they are said to be... how awesome. I actually just moved back to Washington to stay at home, work, and save money. In January I'm headed to South America then Eastern Europe and East Africa (thru July). Where would you recommend to start - and how have you been getting around? Where are you thinking of going in January?
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