And it's COLD!! Dad and I arrived during the coldest weather they've ever had---mind you to North Dakota standards people would still be wearing shorts. With 40-50 degree (F) temps I have been wearing my one "cold" outfit everyday this week. I am wearing my winter jacket as I type.
We started at the bottom point of the penninsula and have been driving up in an old rented Nissan "Tsuru". From Los Cabos to Todos Santos, to La Paz and up to Puerto San Carlos where we hired a little boat to see the grey whales off the Pacific coast which was pretty cool. Then up to Loreto. I especially like this little town with its beach front "Malecon" where people constantly cruise main street in their pumped up cars. It makes me so happy everytime some slick cruising dude drives by with tubas blasting from his stereo.
(L) Mummified manta ray??? (R) San Javier mission
I think the funniest thing in the trip so far was in the middle of the desert on a scary dirt road on the way to a 300-year-old mission where Dad was video-taping his eyeball because he couldn't figure out which end of the camera was which. Classic! (to give him some credit, the camera is all in Japanese) It was that same drive that I saw a spider so big, SO BIG that I could see him crossing the road from a distance and actually had enough time to drive around him. (What would YOU have done, huh huh?!) I stopped to check him out but Dad wouldn't let me get out of the car.
Tonight we are in a little pink hotel filled with bikers. There's a courtyard with chirping birds and plants, a cricket hiding somewhere in my room, the beds are covered in poncho blankets and the toilets leak. Dad would usually refuse to stay at a place like this, but the alternatives weren't much better. I like it, it feels like Mexico.
Tonight we are in a little pink hotel filled with bikers. There's a courtyard with chirping birds and plants, a cricket hiding somewhere in my room, the beds are covered in poncho blankets and the toilets leak. Dad would usually refuse to stay at a place like this, but the alternatives weren't much better. I like it, it feels like Mexico.
P.S. A big HURRAY! for sister Sam and her CPR skills at the Olive Garden restaurant, we're proud of you!!!!!
¡Hola primo! Estoy utilizando un traductor en línea para esto así que usted tiene que dejarme saber lo que estoy diciendo realmente en vez de lo que significo decir. El pescado cubre el bróculi de la nariz. (Acabo de lanzar eso adentro para confundirle). ¡Esperanza usted está teniendo un rato maravilloso en México!
Not a bad program! Let's see if it translates this:
¡Hola primita! Escribo esto a ver si funciona tu programma de traducción: ¡Estoy segura que el pez comió dos florcitas del brócoli!
I edited since you last read, check out za pics! They kicked me out of the net cafe early last night, ha ha.
Love your pics and I'm so glad to hear that you are having such an amazing time traveling the world!! I wish you could take me in your backpack!! = ) Talk to you soon, my friend! (Also, it is so great to get the email that you have updated your blog- love it!!)
It's about time you updated your blog! How is the guacomole? Sorry to hear you are having cooler weather. What a dissappointment.
senora Sam
Wow, glad to hear you got some good eyeball pictures. The spiders are too big, Shannen, I think you want to come home...right?
Geez, it was even 43 degrees and sunny here last Saturday! Now it is like 11 degrees, but I had to brag about our one awesome day.
Love ya, Mom
Always great to hear from you! I love your blog and getting to see regualar baby shots!
Hey hey! The guacamole has been yummy but I'm just SO SICk of deep-fried tortilla chips. blah! I had the most awesome Pina Colada the other day, he he he he he.
You get the good weather while I freeze here??? It's not fair! It's actually warmed up here, but still chilly at night.
The spiders don't bother me so much, they keep their distance, ha ha. I saw a mini lizard and mini paying mantis today, pretty cool!
Hi Linda; nice photos, I think You are practice your Spanish every day, Did You listen something different? very popular,"pos ora" "hola mi cuate" "andale mano" jajaja and more words that now I dont remember in Mexican. I can see a mexican "futon" also a tree colors very original. Many healthy foods que riiico!!!
I saw same feet photo in somewhere, where,where....hahaha in Hokkaido!!! Have a nice adventure.
P.S. No estaras creyendo esas cosas del tarot,no?
Hola Shannen, good to hear you are back on to the travelling road.
The name of Malecon reminds me La havana a lot where aloso people havg around beside the sea there.
I never traveled with my father and imagined how it would be. ......can't think of anything but disaster. There are some things exist in the world which is impossible. Lokking forward to here more news! Cuidate,
I haven't heard much Mexican slang yet, Andale mano?? HA! The food has been really good, are you jealous? Take care and see you soon in Peru!
Hey Miss Brazil! Thanks for looking at my blog! That's funny about your Dad, I guess I'm lucky! Have fun in Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And keep writing your stories!
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