Happy New Year, everyone! I haven't updated lately because I've been living such a normal American life. But what is normal? Come to think of it, this is all still pretty novel to me. Here are some of the highlights:
It was a brown Christmas this year, but I truly enjoyed overdosing on Christmas cookies and pigging out with my family and hanging with the newly extended family! Presents are always a treat! Home is without doubt the best place to spend Christmas!
We got a good 12 inches in a matter of days. It was beautiful, and I actually enjoyed shovelling. I was impressed by the way Mom and Sam and all drive through it, plowing and sliding and spinning without even breaking a sweat. This is normal North Dakota stuff.
It was a brown Christmas this year, but I truly enjoyed overdosing on Christmas cookies and pigging out with my family and hanging with the newly extended family! Presents are always a treat! Home is without doubt the best place to spend Christmas!
We got a good 12 inches in a matter of days. It was beautiful, and I actually enjoyed shovelling. I was impressed by the way Mom and Sam and all drive through it, plowing and sliding and spinning without even breaking a sweat. This is normal North Dakota stuff.
A picture of me shovelling from last year
New Year's
Sis took me out to a few parties and it was fun, but for me the best place to spend New Year's will always be Japan. I missed eating mashed chestnuts and rice cakes with cheese, visiting a temple in the middle of the night, and getting a slew of New Year's postcards on the 1st. Sigh.

Japanese New Year Mashed Chestnuts---YUM!
I crammed to full cerebral capacity. My weakest subject is---and having been an English teacher for so many years this is a little embarassing---English. I studied a panoply of erudite vocabulary which never showed up on the test, but I have since discovered that they appear regularly in crossword puzzles. Thank you, Kaplan Study Guides, for boosting my crossword ability! Much more useful in life than a measly test. I have no regrets.
33 Hour Amtrak Ride
I found a ridiculously cheap ticket to Seattle on Amtrak. I thought I would enjoy the ride, leisurely viewing the mountains and scenery, but it was way, way too much time in a box. The guy next to me was a young east coast environmental studies major who was in awe of the North Dakota landscape. He thoroughly interrogated me on what North Dakotans do for a living, the main cash crops, dont they get lonely out there in the plains? Do they like living here? And everytime we passed a butte jutting unexpectedly from the middle of a flat prairie he would gasp in awe---! So to those of you who think ND is boring, its all a matter of perspective!
Off to Mexico!
I leave to Mexico on Jan. 18th, ¡Olé olé! More on that later!
P.S. Tired of checking for new updates? I can send you an e-mail notice, kind of like a subscription, when I update my blog. Let me know and I will put you on the list! -Shannen
Happy New Year to you too my friend! Glad you had a great holiday! I'd love to be put on the list for updates. Bon voyage!!! Can't wait to hear about your trip-have a great time and have a taco for me please!
Happy new year to you, too! I will put you on the list, thanks divina! I'll definately eat a taco AND drink a margarita in honor of you, maybe even many times! Give a big smooth to Julianna for me!
Hey! You finally updated your blog! Woo-HOO!
I like the picture of you shoveling. Makes me oh so grateful not to have to do that this year.
Enjoy yourself in Mexico. Don't land in jail. Looking forward to seeing you on your way back!
Glad you liked you visit here. Of course, put me on your update list!!
Today it is -11 windchill and getting worse, so you left just in time. Irma has shaking,rubber-like back legs when she goes out.
I got your little push in the comments section and decided to put myself to work writing. It snowed like 2 inches here in Seattle and they called an emergency snow day! Snow-wusses. I suppose noone out here even owns a shovel. You still walking about in your swimsuit?
I hope to swing by and visit, too! That is, if I get out of jail.
I had a great visit, thanks for putting up with me! Sounds COLD over there, I made the perfect escape!
Hey! Just talked to cousin Sean. He wants to know when you are going to be in the area so that we can all hang out together. How long are you going to be in Mexico for anyhow?
Glad you made it safely to Seattle. We miss you and Rico especially misses you. When you left, his list of friends was cut by 25%!
EEK! Probably not for awhile...this summer? fall? You sure you don't want to come down and meet me in Mexico? Wouldn't that be FUUUUUN!!!!!!
Thanks for all when I was home! Had a great time! Oooh I miss the doggies. Give them a few extra chunks in their bowls today from me!
Hi Linda nice update, have a nice travel and enjoy your adventure. Tequila, tacos, quezadillas, tortas, burritos, nachos yum yum I am hungry!!! hahaha I cant, I am diet.
Feliz viaje!
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